The main reason for this post is that I am stalling because I dont feel like making the trek to the church today. But I HAVE to. More on that later. I also realized that my posting has been less frequent than I meant it to be.
So, this is what has been going on lately:
The church: as mentioned before, I have to go in today, mostly because when I was in on Saturday, my vacumn died. It just stopped working. My other one died a couple monthes ago. I dont know what to do. I have to go talk to... well... someone about it... maybe I will get a new one?? Also on Saturday, I managed to set off the burgalar alarm and lock my keys in the office. And I was only there for 2 hours. What would have happened if I stayed longer, I wonder??
The Restaraunt: I went to our staff Christmas party on Tuesday. John-Mark went with me. I am very glad because I ended up sitting with people I dotn reallyknow, and I mostly just felt awkward, like I didnt belong. I have been picking up more shifts, due to one of the girls being seriously injured in a snowboarding accident. They taught me how to close on Saturday.
My Mom: She has been sick for a while. In and out of the doctors'. She went to the hospital with chest pains on Monday, and they were afraid it was a blood clot in her lung. Dangerous. Scary. So, they sent her home, and she had to sit and be afraid to move until the Abbotsford hospital called to get her in for a CT scan. They didnt call. Back to the hospital, more waiting, an abulance ride, a CT scan, another ambulance, and more waiting. No clot. The fluid around her lungs was infamed. Pluracy, I think they call it. Anti-inflammatories and pain killers. Shes getting better. Quite a fright for me.
My pets: If anyone has met by big, red, fluffy cat, Abe, you know that he is very lazy and docile. Until now. He has become much more agressive, and has taken to attacking the computer screen. When I shoo him away, he attacks my leg. Christmas present exchange with John-Mark has resulted in a new member in our house: a hermit crab named Halden Jr. I love him. He likes to dig and bury himself in the sand. Halden Sr. died last Christmas in Stony Plasin after a tragic Airport-Freezing incident. Halden Sr. will be kept nice and warm.
Oral Health: I had to go to the dentist today. One of my fillings fell out. Right in my front tooth. You know, from when Jen threw a rock and it broke my teeth? $382.10 later, I have nice, unchipped teeth again. My dentist said I'll likely need crowns soon. Unfortunately, I have no insurance, so these fillings will have to last a while. Moral of the story: throwing rocks at each other may seem like a fun way to pass the time, but will end in tragedy. Dont do it.
John-Mark: He went home for Christmas on saturday. We both framed a picture of us as Christmas presents for each other. It was the same picture. Go figure.
Coffee: I went to Have-a-Java and had a vanilla fudge latte. I kind of liked it. I may or may not have enjoyed their comfy leather chairs. I have forsaken all I have aspired to be. But I still love Grab-a-Java. It dodnt mean anything.
Friends: I am going out for dinner with friends from highschool today. It is our annual Select-a-Santa gift exchange. Like Secret Santa, except we pick who we buy for. I am buying for Angela, and Anushka has me. It will be fun I think.
Cars: 36 days until my road test. My instructor told me that he thinks I will be ready by then. This is good. In the meantime, I have the keys to a purple minivan if anyone wants to go for a joyride. Just joking, John-Mark!!
So, that is whats going on with me. I think I have hilighted all areas of interest.
Until next time!!