Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Orkin man is drinking my coffee and wearing my glasses

Ok, so, three things noteworthy happened to me today.

1. I saw a real, live Orkin man! Can you believe it! I was just minding my own buisness, pouring coffee, when I looked up, and saw him sneaking around in the bushes looking for little buggies, I guess. But his uniform said Orkin on it... so he was the real deal.

2. I destroyed the second pair of contact lenses in a week. I have had contacts for 5 years, and I have never, EVER accidentally gotten one caught in the lid of the contact case, thus ripping a chunk off... until last week... and this morning. Isnt that bizzare? The thing that really gets me is that theese arent your average, throw-away-after-1-month contacts. They are $120 per pair wear-for-18-months contacts. Luckily, I got those two pairs for a deal... 2 pair for $140, but still. Im not impressed. I guess the good part is that I think I need a new prescription anyways... and its also good that I like my purple glasses. I mean, they are purple. Cool, no?

3. I got a letter in the mail today.... with a $5 Grab-a-Java card in it!! Woohoo!


Anonymous said...

You're too young for coffee.
Soon I will have my weekends off, perhaps you should come for a retreat in the big city. I'll give you a bus pass....

Girl_In_Saskatoon said...

I love coffe and grab-a-java Can i have it. And purple is cool