Saturday, October 13, 2007

I am done with renovating...

I have moved. I know it can be annoying when someone does this, but I really wanted a change, and I am really liking it so far. My new blog is now up and running. Come and see me at Wordpress.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Turbo - hymn

Yesterday I lead worship at church. Who knew I could sing the hymn "Let all things now living" in just one breath? Oh man, it was fast!

Yesterday was also thanksgiving dinner at my moms house. As usual, mom cooked way too much food for the 11 people who were coming. And then it ended up being only 6. Oops. So we ate, and it was good.

Then I went to bed later than usual, and yet I couldnt sleep in later than 8. I woke up at 7 (a normal weekday time) and almost got up then! So now, I am blogging and trying to be quiet so as not to wake my still sleeping husband who will wake up at the sound of ANYTHING.

But I have no plans today, and no work, and that feels really good!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

A good year

I think I have a lot to be thankful for this year, I have a job that I love, a husband whom I love, and friends who call me and make me think they are at my house when they are really in Calgary. I love my friends.

What I am MOST thankful for this weekend, though, has nothing to do with any of that. I am most thankful that I can be happy today. Because last year at this time, I was not happy. I was struggling with a bout of depression that I hid from everyone excet those closest to me. It lasted about 6 months before I sought help for it. I was tired of coming home, feeling hopeless, alone, and sad for no reason. I was tired of spending my evenings with my head in John-Mark's lap, crying into an ever-shrinking roll of toilet paper for no reason, and being unable to go out and have a good time. So I got help. Its been ten months since I started taking anti-depressants to treat a chemical imbalance in my brain. And today, I took my last pill. And I feel normal. And I have decided, on this very happy day, that I would share my story.

Its not easy (for me, at least) to come out and tell people about this. I have always felt as though people knew me as the one who was always joyful and laughing. And I was ashamed that I wasnt like that, for a time, and afraid that people would look at me differently because of it. I think it is interesting how society, and many Christians view depression as something that is the person's fault. They are crazy, or they arent trusting God enough, or they mustnt really know God if they are feeling that way, when, in reality, it can be, and often is a physical issue. My body just was unable to control the amount of hormones it produced.

So there you have it. I have no more secrets. It has been a crazy year, and I feel as though I have learned and grown a lot through it. And I have cerainly learned that I cant always rely on myself. Hopefully, God will use my story.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

I am renovating.

... and any suggestions are welcome. I am not sure how I feel about this so far, but it is nice to have a change once in a while.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I love October 1st!

So, for the past few weeks, it has gotten increasingly colder in our house. And our heat hasnt worked - I am assuming that is because our landlords turned it off for the summer. Yesterday morning, I looked, and it was 15 degrees inside. No wonder we would come home/ get out of bed and bundle up! Anyways, we tried the heat again last night, and... it works! I love October 1st! Except then I slept with too many blankets, and I got hot. But whatever. I will not freeze when I get out of the shower this morning.